< HydroGeoSphere

To calculate the freezing and thawing of pore water, HydroGeoSphere requires the following set of instructions:

Pore water freezing-thawing...End

grok reads instructions that define the pore water freezing and thawing parameters for the domain until it encounters an End instruction.

For example:

pore water freezing-thawing
    surface temperature
        0              -7.0
        2592000        -6.1
        5184000        -0.9
        7776000         6.2
        10368000       12.9
        12960000       18.0
        15552000       20.2
        18144000       19.3
        20736000       14.8
        23328000        8.6
        25920000        2.4
        28512000       -4.0
        31104000       -7.0

    thermal diffusivity

    background temperature

    melting temperature

    freezing temperature

    maximum freezing depth

    integration convergence criteria

    memory length for convolution integral
    15552000.0d0     ! 6*30*86400 sec = 6 months


Surface temperature

  1. time(i), val(i)...end The time and surface temperature value list.

At time time(i) the value val(i) is applied and maintained until time time(i+1). The last value entered in the list will be applied until the end of the simulation.

Thermal diffusivity

  1. val Thermal diffusivity [L2 T−1].

Background temperature

  1. val Background temperature [Θ].

Melting temperature

  1. val Melting temperature [Θ].

Freezing temperature

  1. val Freezing temperature [Θ].

Maximum freezing depth

  1. val Maximum freezing depth [L].

Integration convergence criteria

  1. val Integration convergence criteria.

Memory length for convolution integral

  1. val Memory length for convolution integral.

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