< Hebrew Roots < Restoration < Law & Grace


There were two trees in the garden planted by Yahweh in the midst of the Paradise He had prepared for His son, the first Adam. Two significant trees whereby his destiny would be determined.

One was the 'tree of life' and the other was 'the tree of the knowledge of good and evil'

What was the significance of these two trees? What did they symbolise?

A simple command "Do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil"

Why not eat of that tree?

Isn't it good to know what is good and what is evil?

Why should they not eat of it?

We know the end of the story! They did eat, and they did die. They died spiritually because their life was dependent upon being in union with their Father Yahweh, their Creator and Sustainer. They had no life in themselves. Unlike the angels He had created, they were mortal and corruptible. When they became independent from Him, their life-source was cut and spiritual death was the result.

Yahweh in His mercy reached out to them and provided a way back, an atonement to make them AT-ONE with Him again. A sacrificial lamb to die in their place that they might live.

And He clothed their spiritual nakedness with the skins of the lamb He had provided for them. Their unrighteousness was 'covered' by the atonement of the sacrificial lamb.

They were covered with His righteousness, the covering provided by His lamb in type of THE Lamb that was to come, Yeshua our Messiah.

"Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29

The shed blood of the lamb to atone for the sin of man. The death of one and the offering of its life-blood as a substitute for another. The righteous for the unrighteous. The innocent for the guilty.

And so, Yahweh provided a way for the unrighteous to become righteous. They who had lost the garments of righteousness (spiritual garments of light and glory) which they had while in communion with Him were now 'covered over' by His provision for them. Their spiritual nakedness did not appear while they accepted the way He had provided.

In Chapter 3 of Genesis, Yahweh led them through the steps of confessing and repenting of their wrong-doing so He could bring them back into a relationship with Himself again by a sacrificial lamb. Howbeit, no longer with the same position and privilege that they had in the garden.

But they had the promise of One who was to come who would one day re-instate them to their former glory. The promise of a Messiah/Saviour!

For His manifestation they waited in faith, by offering the acceptable sacrifices for the covenant Yahweh God has established with them to atone for their sinful state.

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