< Hebrew Roots < Holy Days < Day of Atonement < Atonement


It is traditional to read Psalm 27 during the month of Elul up until Yom Kippur (for the whole 40 days). Jews say that Yahweh taught them through this Psalm, the resurrection of the dead, the wedding and coronation of King Messiah besides other things relating to this season.

Also Psalm 145 is specifically read during the ten days of Awe.

Below is a suggested scripture reading schedule which is used for the ten days of this period from Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur. Day one is Yom Teruah.

Scripture Reading Schedule for the Ten Days of Awe

Day One        Psalm 145      Exodus 20:1-2      Genesis 21:1-21; 22:1-19
Day Two        Psalm 145      Exodus 20:3-5      Job 1-14
Day Three      Psalm 145      Exodus 20:7        Jonah 
Day Four       Psalm 145      Exodus 20:8-11     Job 15-21
Day Five       Psalm 145      Exodus 20:12       Job 22-31
Day Six        Psalm 145      Exodus 20:13       Job 32-37
Day Seven      Psalm 145      Exodus 20:14       Job 38-40:2
Day Eight      Psalm 145      Exodus 20:15       Job 40:3-41:34
Day Nine       Psalm 145      Exodus 20:16       Job 42:1-17
Day Ten        Yom Kippur     Exodus 20:17       Psalm 145

On each of these ten days one of the ten commands are read and meditated upon. It would be a useful spiritual exercise to wait upon Yahweh and ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind and shed His light upon areas in our lives relating to each command as it is studied each day.

This will cover our relationship with Father God first, continuing on to our relationships with our fellow-man.

As we see areas where we have been falling short of His holy standard, we can seek for forgiveness and cleansing by the Blood of Y'shua our Messiah.

Read Psalm 130 for assurance of His promises toward us and 1 John 1: 5-9 for His requirements of us.

During these Ten Days of Penitence it is customary to seek reconciliation and forgiveness from all persons whom one might have offended in the preceding year. The ideal consideration is to have repented of all known sin and have made reconciliation with everyone else by Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets). This is the purpose of the month of preparation before hand.

When the endtime shofar sounds on Yom Teruah, those who have outstanding issues with God and man, will find themselves subjected to the purifying fires of the Tribulation. Only that which is without spot and blemish can stand before Him.

The basis upon which we can keep these days of penitence is the mercy and compassion of our heavenly Father in giving His Son for our reconciliation and redemption.

Can we be without guilt if we neglect the provision which has been made and deal carelessly with what has been made available to us?

Although we come before Him as a loving heavenly Father, there is also a sense of holy awe and godly fear in being found of Him without spot and blameless at Yom Kippur.

We dare not measure ourselves by our standards or measure ourselves by others spiritual stature. There is only one measuring rod by which man can be measured and that is the perfect man, Y'shua our Messiah who gave himself for us that we might partake of His righteousness and glory.

Consider the following scriptures:

John 17:22-23; Ephesians 4:11-13; Romans 8:29-30

Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement represents the Day of Judgment prophetically.

One Yom Kippur to come, it will be the final day of judgment when every person's destiny will be sealed for all eternity. We need to approach each year with the same expectation, to be found of Him without spot and blameless before our God and heavenly Father, as if it were indeed the final and last judgment day we are facing and not leave anything that is not atoned for and dealt with by the work of the crucifixion.

Y'shua is returning for a holy and spotless Bride worthy of being enthroned with Him in kingdom glory.

"So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him." (2 Peter 3:14)

This is the reason for the season!

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