< German < Appendices < Vocabulary

Marine life

GermanEnglish NameDetailed Information
der Tunfisch/ThunfischTuna FishA large and active predatory schooling
fish of the mackerel family. Found in
warm seas, it is extensively fished
der AlligatorAlligatorA large semi-aquatic reptile similar to a
↓crocodile↓ but with a broader and shorter
head, native to the Americas and China.
das KrokodilCrocodileA large predatory semi-aquatic reptile with
long jaws, long tail, short legs,
and a horny textured skin, using submersion
and stealth to approach prey unseen.
der Bartenwale (Wal/Walfisch)Baleen WhaleA whale that has plates of
whalebone in the mouth for
straining plankton from the water.
der Barrakuda / PfeilhechtBarracudaA large, predatory tropical marine
fish with a slender body and large jaws
and teeth.
der blaue FischBlue FishA predatory blue-colored marine
fish that inhabits tropical and temperate
der HummerLobsterA large marine crustacean with a
cylindrical body, stalked eyes, and the
first of its five pairs of limbs modified
as pincers (die Kneifzange).
der Wels
die Seekatze
Cat FishA freshwater or marine fish
with whisker like barbels around the mouth,
typically bottom-dwelling.
die Muschel / VenusmuschelClamA marine bivalve mollusk with shells
of equal size.
das Tritonshorn
die Trompetenschnecke
ConchA tropical marine mollusk with
a spiral shell that may bear long
projections and have a flared lip.
die AlgenSeaweedLarge algae growing in the sea or on
rocks below the high-water mark.
die KrabbeCrabA crustacean with a broad carapace,
stalked eyes, and five pairs of legs, the
first pair of which are modified as pincers.
die KoralleCoralA hard stony substance secreted by
certain marine coelenterates
as an external skeleton,
typically forming large reefs
in warm seas.
der DelphinDolphinA small gregarious toothed whale
that typically has a beak like snout and a
curved fin on the back.
der AalEelA snakelike fish with a slender elongated
body and poorly developed fins, proverbial
for its slipperiness.
der ZitteraalElectric EelAn eel like freshwater fish of
South America, using pulses of electricity
to kill prey, to assist in
navigation, and for defense.
der See-ElefantenElephant SealA large seal that breeds on the west coast
of North America and the islands around Antarctica.
The male is much larger than the
female and has a very thick neck and an
inflatable snout.
der SalamanderSalamanderA newt like amphibian that typically has bright
markings, and that once was thought to be
able to endure fire.
der FischFishA limbless cold-blooded vertebrate
animal with gills and fins and living
wholly in water.
der FroschFrogA tailless amphibian with a short
squat body, moist smooth skin, and very
long hind legs for leaping.
der Schleierschwanz / GoldfischGoldfishA small reddish-golden Eurasian carp,
popular in ponds and aquariums.
der SchellfischHaddockA silvery-gray bottom-dwelling fish of
North Atlantic coastal waters, related
to the cod.
die Qualle / MeduseJellyfishA free-swimming marine coelenterate
with a jelly like bell- or saucer-shaped body that
is typically transparent and has stinging
tentacles around the edge.
der MeeresengelAngelfishAny of a number of laterally compressed deep-bodied
fish with extended dorsal and anal fins,
typically brightly colored or boldly
striped, including.
das Weichtier
die Molluske
MolluskAn invertebrate of a large phylum that
includes snails, slugs, mussels, and octopuses.
They have a soft, unsegmented body
and live in aquatic or damp habitats, and
most kinds have an external calcareous shell.


  • (1-23) das Insekt (-en): insect

  • (1) die Libelle (-n): dragonfly
  • (2) die Heuschrecke (-n): grasshopper
  • (3) die Grille (-n): cricket
  • (4) die Küchenschabe (-n): cockroach
  • (5) die Gottesanbeterin (-nen): praying mantis
  • (6) die Termite (-n): termite

  • (7) der Floh (-"e): flea
  • (8) die Laus (-"e): louse
  • (9) die Fliege (-n): fly
  • (10) die Mücke (-n): mosquito

  • (11-14) der Käfer (-): beetles
  • (11) der Mistkäfer (-): dung beetle
  • (12) der Marienkäfer (-): ladybug
  • (13) der Leuchtkäfer (-): firefly
  • (14) der Hirschkäfer (-): stag beetle

  • (15) die Raupe (-n): caterpillar
  • (16) die Puppe (-n): chrysalis
  • (17) der Schmetterling (-e): butterfly
  • (18) die Seidenraupe (-n): silkworm
  • (19) der Kokon (-s): cocoon
  • (20) die Motte (-n): moth

  • (21) die Ameise (-n): ant
  • (22) die Biene (-n): bee
  • (23) die Wespe (-n): wasp

Amphibians and reptiles


GermanEnglish NameDetailed Information
der SeggenrohrsängerAquatic WarblerAny of a number of small insectivorous
songbirds that typically have a warbling song.
der AlbatrosAlbatrossA very large oceanic bird related to the
shearwaters, with long narrow wings.
die EntenDucksA waterbird with a broad blunt
bill, short legs, webbed feet, and a
waddling gait.
die GänseGeeseA large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
webbed feet, and a short broad bill.
Generally geese are larger than ducks
and have longer necks and shorter bills.
der SchwanSwansA large waterbird with a long flexible
neck, short legs, webbed feet, a broad
bill, and typically all-white plumage.


der Hunddog
der Schäferhundsheepdog
der DalmatinerDalmatian
der HuskyHusky
der Wolfwolf
der Fuchsfox
der Welpepuppy
die Katzecatmasc. der Kater
die Mausmousealso for computer mouse
die Ratterat
der Hamsterhamster
die Chinchillachinchillain Austria das Chinchilla
das Meerschweinchenguinea-pig
das Kaninchenrabbitcoll. Karnickel
der Hasebunny, harecoll. Mümmelmann
das Frettchenferret
der Iltisfoumart
das Eichhörnchensquirrel
der Biberbeaver
das Murmeltiermarmot
der Siebenschläferfat dormouseIn Germany, June 27 is Siebenschläfertag
die Bisamrattemuskrat
der Bärbear
der Braunbärbrown bear
das Rehroe deer
der Hirschdeer
der Elchelk
das Rentierrendeer
die Fledermausbat
der Igelhedgeshog
der LuchslynxAugen wie ein Luchs haben
der Seehundseal
die Kuhcow
der Ochseox
der Bullebullinsult to a police man
die Ziegegoatswear word for a girl
der Steinbockibex
das Kalbcalf
das Pferdhorsearch. Ross
das Fohlencolt
das Schafsheep
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