< Galician < Lesson 1

The Galician alphabet has 23 letters. To that, another 4 letters used in words imported from another languages are added, as well as 6 digraphs.

Let's see a list of the 23 letters:

Letter Name of the letter IPA Pronunciation Sound compared to English Example Example translation
a a [a] a as in father amor love
b be [b] as in bee beber to drink
c ce before e and i [θ], everywhere else [k] as in thin, as in account cea, casa dinner, house
d de [d] as in dance dedo, deda finger, toe
e e [e], [ɛ] as in met peto pocket
f efe [f] as in fan feliz happy
g gue [g] as in get gañar earn
h hache ('agá' before new RAG rules in 2003) [ʔ] silent home man
i i [i] as in see igual equal
l ele [l] as in light lugar place
m eme [m] as in mat mundo world
n ene [n] as in nine nadar swim
ñ eñe [ɲ] as in venue raíña queen
o o [o], [ɔ] as in boat or as in lot todo all
p pe [p] as in pot por for
q que [k] as in cat que what
r erre [ɾ], [r] no English equivalent rato mouse
s ese [s͇] a slightly softer 'sh' sound menos less
t te [t] as in tail tempo time
u u [u] as in do lugar place
v uve [b] as in bone verdade truth
x xe [ʃ], [ks͇] as in leash xandar lunch
z zeta [θ] as in thunder razón reason

These are the four letters used in imported words from foreign languages:

Letter Read as IPA Pronunciation
j iota
k ka
w uve duplo
y y grego
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