< Futurebasic < Language < Reference



PICTURE [(h1,v1)][-(h2,v2)] [,pictureHandle&]


This function draws a picture in the current output window, or to the printer if output is currently routed to the printer. If you specify pictureHandle&, the picture referenced in that handle is drawn; this can be a handle returned by the PICTURE function, or a PICT resource handle, or any other valid picture handle. If you don't specify pictureHandle&, the picture which was recorded by the most recent pair of PICTURE ON/PICTURE OFF statements is drawn.

The (h1,v1) and (h2,v2) parameters specify the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle. If you specify both (h1,v1) and (h2,v2), the picture is scaled to fit the indicated rectangle. If you specify only (h2,v2), the picture is scaled to fit the rectangle (0,0)-(h2,v2). If you specify only (h1,v1), the picture is drawn unscaled, with its upper-left corner at (h1,v1). If you specify neither corner, the picture is drawn unscaled, using the same frame rectangle that was used to record the picture.

See Also


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