< Esperanto < Appendix
Translation Phrase IPA Literal meaning
hellosaluton/sa'luton/ (I give you) greeting
good-byeĝis revido/ʤis re'vido/ until (a) re-seeing
Pleasebonvolu/bon 'volu/ goodwill (for me - soft imperative)
thank youdankon/'dankon/ (I give my) thanks
you're welcomenedankinde/nedan 'kinde/ (my action was performed) not-thank-worth-ly
How much?kiom/'kiom/
I am sorrymi bedaŭras/mi be'daʊ̯ɾas/I am-regretting
I don't understandmi ne komprenas/mi ne kom'prenas/
Where is the toilet?kie estas la necesejo?/'kie 'estas la neʦe'sejo/ where is the necessity-place?
To your health (generic toast)Je via sano/je 'via 'sano/ to your health
Do you speak English?Ĉu vi parolas la anglan?/ʧu vi pa'rolas la 'anglan/ Is-it-true-that you speak the English (language)?
Excuse me, I do not speak Esperanto wellPardonu min, mi ne bone parolas Esperanton /par'donu min mi ne 'bone pa'rolas espe'ranton/
I don't knowMi ne scias/mi ne 'sʦias/
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