Capps Statement on Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Order on 
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23) issued the following statement in response to the order issued 
by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board regarding the license renewal proceedings for the Diablo Canyon
 Nuclear Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County, California.
“I’m very pleased that the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) has essentially agreed with the request 
I made to the NRC to delay consideration of the relicensing of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant until
 advanced, peer-reviewed seismic studies are completed. Today’s order by the ASLB that the relicensing process for
 Diablo should be delayed by 52 months is welcome news for the people of San Luis Obispo County.
“I’ve said all along that safety is my top priority. That’s why I’m calling on the Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission to immediately concur with this order and officially halt the relicensing process until 
advanced seismic studies are completed and reviewed by independent experts. The people of the Central
 Coast deserve to be assured the NRC is doing everything possible to reduce the risk of a
 severe accident and that the plant is fully prepared to deal with any contingency. That 
simply can’t happen with limited data and information. So, I’m hopeful this important 
notice will finally convince the NRC to stop this process until all of the outstanding seismic 
questions are answered.”

June 7, 2011
The Honorable Gregory B. Jaczko
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
Dear Chairman Jaczko:
I am writing to inform you of my support for today’s order by the Atomic Safety
 and Licensing Board that the license renewal for the Diablo Canyon Nuclear
 Power Plant should be delayed by 52 months. I believe the Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission (NRC) should immediately concur with this order and officially halt 
the relicensing process until updated seismic studies and 3-D seismic mapping
 are completed, reviewed, and considered as part of this relicensing process.
As you know, I previously requested the NRC stay the license renewal process 
until these studies demonstrate the plant’s design and operations can withstand
 the greatest possible ground motion from an earthquake and other potential threats. 
I made this request because my constituents deserve to be assured the NRC is
 doing everything possible to reduce the risk of a severe accident and that
 the plant is fully prepared to deal with any contingency. That simply
 cannot happen without complete data and information.
The ASLB’s order is wise and responsible. It fully recognizes the NRC
 relicensing process for Diablo Canyon cannot continue until California’s
 significant seismic concerns are studied and resolved. It will also help 
ensure that California taxpayers will not face billions of dollars in
 charges to once again belatedly address plant design and safety issues 
that may arise as a result of these needed seismic studies.
Therefore, I once again urge the Commission to stop the continuation of
 this process until all of the outstanding seismic questions and concerns 
relating to Diablo Canyon are answered and addressed.
Thank you for your attention to this serious matter.
Member of Congress
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