< Development Cooperation Handbook

  • "8" (2008), is a full-length feature film made up from eight short films. These centre on eight different thems to promote the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Through these films the directors express their opinion on the progress made and the setbacks and challenges faced by our planet today.
  • "Bamko" (2006), directed by Abderrahmane Sissako. This film offers interesting insight into globalization and its consequences in Africa. 
  • As example of a tool to build awareness, see Like a man on earth (Come un uomo sulla Terra) http://likeamanonearth.blogspot.com/ a film by Andrea Segre, Dagmawi Yimer and Riccardo Biadene (2008, Italy). Giving voice to the Ethiopian refugees living in Rome, the film provides a direct insight into the brutal ways in which Libya, aided by Italian and European funds, is operating to control the immigration movements of people from Africa. It is a journey of pain and dignity, through which Dagmawi Yimer voices his memories of unthinkable human suffering to denounce what appears to be a tragic political and humanitarian situation . In this respect both Italy and Europe share responsibilities for this situation and should be held accountable for it. For more information, read also the interview to Annalisa Gandini, Teacher of Religion at the Technical Industrial Secondary School ITIS E.FERMI of Modena (Italy)
  • U stisso sangu- Storie più a sud di Tunisi - Directed by Francesco di Martino - This is not a film but a story. The tale of how the word "journey" can be transformed into the term "hope", and how the perspective of the world may change, depending on whether you look at it from one side or another of the Mediterranean. "U Stisso Sangu" recounts the plight of migrants arriving in Sicily, in their own words, their outlooks, their stories. From their arrival at the reception and identification centres to the uncertainty, fear and humiliation, a modern odyssey that stems from desperation and the dreams of men and women, colliding with bureaucracy and, even worse, with the culture that often seems to forget that we all "U Stisso Sangu" (of the same blood). A living being, a person, is thus transformed into a "clandestino" (Italian for illegal immigrant): a possible problem in need of regulation and certification, investigations and searches that leave only the ink on their fingers, but also a deep sense of humiliation. There is no longer the same blood, there is no longer the person. (S. Zuccarello). http://www.ustissos angu.com/

  • The Millenium Festival, Brussels - http://www.festivalmillenium.org/index_eng.html - The aim of the festival is to give attention to quality documentary movies which will promote and improve public understanding about the importance of the 8 Millennium Development Goals. Film-makers help us to understand the Other, to understand that behind the reports and the statistics there are Human Beings. The first edition took place in Brussels on September 19th-29th 2009. It was warmly received by the public as well as the Media and it had an international impact far beyond the Belgian borders. The second edition of the festival is planned for 12th-18th June of 2010. The 2009 Awards: "Barcelona or Death" by Idrissa Guiro -  "Toro si Té" by Daisy Lamothe - "Pirinop" by Mari Corrêa - "Mayomi" by Carole Salter.

  • "La Marche des gueux, la force libératrice de la non-violence" by Louis Campana and François Verlet - This film takes us to the heart of the march of landless peasants in India in October 2007 organised by Rajagopal, leader of the movement inspired by the process once initiated by Gandhi.

Other Resources
Good Practive to Raise Awereness: Organized by Filmbooth, in collaboration with the UN, EU and many other non-profit organizations; ‘Eight’ was a two day film festival aimed to raise awareness, motivate and unite people - through the medium of short films, workshops, seminars - and bring their heart closer with each others and with humanity. The festival ended with a mesmerizing concert combining Indian classical music’s from all of India’s corners. ksyvFjpbKZY|200}}

Filmbooth - http://filmbooth.in/home.html

Video on the Festival - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksyvFjpbKZY

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