< Chinese (Mandarin)

Mandarin, like any language, has its own slang words and informal meanings for some common words. For example, 同志 (tóngzhì - comrade, a commonly used under Communism) now has a second meaning of "gay person" (because it literally means "same aspirations"—in this case sexual proclivities rather than political interests), and the female equivalent 小姐 (xiǎojiě, often used with service personnel such as waitresses) can also refer to a prostitute. Below is a partial list of common slang terms. The letters "xx" stand for someone or something, lit. gives a literal translation, and equiv. refers to an equivalent English expression.

Slang List

简体 繁體 Pinyin Meaning(s), Literal and Figurative
cool (好酷喔 hǎo kù ō; that's cool!); lit., equiv. cool
shuàigood looking, handsome (of a guy)
帅呆(了)帥呆(了)shuàidāi(le)very good looking, a hunk (of a guy); very good, awesome (of a situation)
shuǎngsatisfying, enjoyable, (as in 我昨天去按摩超爽(的)。 "The massage yesterday was very satisfying."
过瘾過癮guòyǐnentertaining; very pleasing; addictive
不行了不行了bùxíngledying, at the point of death; lit. not OK anymore
chāovery, extremely, super, ultra- (as in 超冷 "very cold", 超酷 "very cool")
to annoy, provoke, offend, or get on someone's nerves(as in 你幹嘛老是惹我? "Why do you always get on my nerves?")
碍眼礙眼àiyǎnannoying, get-in-the-way (as in 你在這裡很礙眼, 趕快去做一些有用的事情吧! "You are being a nuisance, go see whether you can make yourself useful somewhere else!); lit. 'hinder the eye'
胡闹胡鬧húnàomake trouble, be a nuisance (as in 你現在馬上給我安靜睡覺,不要再胡鬧! "you are going to sleep right now, no more nonsense!"); lit ‘nonsense quarrel’
感冒感冒gǎnmào(catch) a cold; to develop an aversion against someone (as in 我說了那句話之後,她就對我感冒了 "after I said that she got upset with me")
机车機車jīchē(noun) motorcycle; adj: used to describe someone displaying annoying behavior (as in 她很機車 "she's annoying")
离谱離譜lípǔpreposterous, outrageous; lit. leaving the manual or musical score (as in 你這樣作實在是太離譜。 "You are really out of line doing things like that.")
chěfarfetched, unimaginable, defying all logic (as in 很扯! "Unbelievable!", 太扯了吧! "That is ridiculous!", 你扯到哪裡去? "What are you talking about?"); lit. drag, pull; chat
扯xx(的)后腿扯xx(的)後腿chě xx (de) hòutuǐto be a drag on xx, be a hindrance; lit. to pull xx's hind legs
zhèngclassy, good quality, high class (as in 正妹 "a classy chick", 他的女朋友很正。 "He has a knock out girlfriend.")
shuǎcheat, deceive (as in 你想耍我嗎? "You must be kidding.")
耍嘴皮耍嘴皮shuǎzuǐpíto talk slickly, to pay lip service
耍赖耍賴shuǎlàito act shamelessly; to act indifferent
赖皮賴皮làipíto act shameless, brazen, like a rascal; rascal, villain
hùnto muddle along, to partake in a given activity in a lazy and unserious manner(as in 我這裡已經快混不下去了。 "I'm about to get kicked out of here." (school or company etc), 你還想混多久? "How much longer are you planning to go on like this?")
摸鱼摸魚móyúto be lazy on the job; lit. to rub fish
鱿鱼魷魚yóuyúmarching orders; lit. squid
炒鱿鱼炒魷魚chǎoyóuyúto be fired, sacked; lit. to fry squid, equiv. "getting a pink slip"
lànrotten, crappy
烂掉爛掉làndiàoto rot, to go bad
烂摊子爛攤子làntānzibad situation, mess (as in 我可以收他的爛攤子。 "I can take care of the mess he created.")
烂醉爛醉lànzuìpiss drunk, blind drunk, dead drunk
烂好人爛好人lànhǎorénspineless, weak person; lit. rotten good person
tòuextremely, completely, used as a suffix (as in 爛透了 'extremely crappy'); lit. through
吓死嚇死xiàsǐterrified; lit., equiv. scared to death
难搞難搞nángǎohard to deal with, downright
休想休想xiūxiǎngnever (interjection), lit., equiv. in your dreams
吹牛吹牛chuīniúto brag, boast
chuīto brag, boast
自大自大zìdàarrogant, overbearing
臭屁臭屁chòupìarrogant, overbearing; equiv. cocky, lit. stinking fart
摆架子擺架子bǎijiàzito put on an airs, to act like the master of, to be arrogant; lit. to swing a rack, shelf
假君子假君子jiǎjūnzǐequiv. a wolf in sheep's clothes, lit. a fake gentleman
上流社会上流社會shàngliú shèhuìlit. high society, the rich and famous; equiv. upper crust
黑社会黑社會hēishèhuìtriad, triad society; lit. the underworld, equiv. gangland
流氓流氓liúmángrogue, gangster, hoodlum; lit. flowing vagrant
老大老大lǎodàthe big boss, older, elder
小弟小弟xiǎodìyounger members of a gang; lit. little brother
吵架吵架chǎojiàto quarrel, to argue
斗嘴鬥嘴dòuzuǐbicker, squabble (lit. to fight with the mouth)
打架打架dǎjiàto fight, scuffle (physically)
把风把風bǎfēngto keep watch, be on the look out (esp. during a heist)
坏胚子壞胚子huài pēizia bad personal characteristic
好兄弟好兄弟hǎo xiōngdìa ghost; a good friend; lit. good brother
不干净不乾淨bù gānjìngnot clean; haunted (by ghosts)
夜总会夜總會yèzǒnghuìnightclub; graveyard
菜鸟菜鳥càiniǎorookie, beginner, novice, inexperienced person; lit. 'vegetable bird'
天真天真tiānzhēnnaive (said mostly of young girls); lit 'heaven real'
猪头豬頭zhūtóuidiot; lit. pig's head
笨蛋笨蛋bèndànidiot; lit. stupid egg
坏蛋壞蛋huàidàncrook, scoundrel; lit. rotten egg
王八蛋王八蛋wángbādànson of a bitch; lit. turtle egg
huògoods, merchandise, stuff; drugs
白痴白痴báichīidiot; stupidity; lit. white fool
蠢货蠢貨chǔnhuòidiot, blockhead, dunce, moron (used infrequently)
傻瓜傻瓜shǎguāfool, simpleton (sometimes used lovingly); lit. stupid melon
小子小子xiǎoziguy, kid; prick, brat
疯子瘋子fēngzimadman, lunatic
发疯發瘋fāfēngto become insane, to go mad
娘娘腔娘娘腔niángniangqiāngsissy, girly, effeminate (esp. of a male)
傢伙傢伙jiāhuoguy, chap (negative); weapon, gun
毒蟲毒蟲dúchóngjunky, someone on drugs; lit. poisonous insect
吸毒吸毒xīdúto drug, to take drugs (esp. narcotics); lit. to absorb poison
上瘾上癮shàngyǐnto become addicted; addictive; Used colloquially: 'get hooked to something' (as in 這種啤酒太好喝了,我快要上癮了 "This kind of beer is too tasty, I'm about to get hooked"
崩溃崩潰bēngkuìdebacle; to fall apart, to collapse, esp. mental collapse
欠xx欠xxqiàn-xxto owe xx (as in, 欠錢 "owe money", 欠情 "owe a favor"); to ask/beg for xx (as in, 欠念 "asking for a verbal dress down", 欠揍 "asking for a beating")
放xx(的)鸽子放xx(的)鴿子fàng xx gēzito (intentionally) not not come for xx; to miss xx's appointment, equiv. to stand xx up, to be a no-show (as in, 不要放我鴿子喔! "Don't stand me up!"); lit. release xx pigeons
吃xx(的)豆腐吃xx(的)豆腐chī xx (de) dòufuto commit borderline sexual harassment with a woman (as in, 不要吃我的豆腐。 "Don't touch me.", 你想吃我的豆腐嗎? "Would you like to touch me?"); lit. to eat xx's tofu
没水准沒水準méi shuǐzhǔnequiv. to have no class; lit. to have no standards
没家教沒家教méi jiājiàounmannered, not well behaved, impolite; lit. without home teaching, without a good upbringing
下流下流xiàliúnasty; obscene; indecent; a low life; lit. downstream
with no class, like a buffoon (as in, 你的衣服好土喔! 'your clothes are so low class!'); lit. earth, soil
飙车飆車biāochēdrag racing; motorcycle racing; to drive in speedily, a crazed fashion; lit. whirlwind car
xx族xx族xx-zúpeople that do xx (as in, 上班族 "people that work", 飆車族 "people that drive too fast"); lit. xx tribe/clan/family
种草莓種草莓zhǒngcǎoméito kiss someone passionately, leaving a reddish mark (equiv. to give someone a hickey); lit. to plant strawberries
丢脸丟臉diūliǎnto embarrass, to disgrace, to humiliate (as in 你在朋友的面前這樣說我真丟臉。 "The way you spoke about me in front of our friends really made me lose face."); equiv., lit. to lose face
没面子沒面子méi miànzito lose face (as in 你害我沒面子。 "You made me lose face.")
厚脸皮厚臉皮hòu liǎnpícheeky, brazen; thick skinned; willing to make daring demands (negative)
嚣张囂張xiāozhāngbrazen, shameless, arrogant
酒吧酒吧jiǔbāa bar
酒店酒店jiǔdiàna hotel; restaurant; hostess bar (Taiwan only); wine shop
夜店夜店yèdiàna nightclub
夜猫子夜貓子yèmāozisomeone who sleeps late (equiv. a night owl); someone with a rich nightlife
黄包车黃包車huángbāochērickshaw / denigrating slang: a Chinese woman abroad (being promiscuous as opposed to conservative at home)
恐龙妹恐龍妹kǒnglóngmèiugly girl (lit. 'dinosaur girl')
辣妹辣妹làmèia hot girl (lit. 'spicy girl'); the Spice Girls
正妹正妹zhèngmēia beautiful girl, pretty girl
帅哥帥哥shuàigēgood looking dude, a hunk
放电放電fàngdiànto create an atmosphere of feminine attraction (of a woman); lit. 'to discharge electricity'
欲火焚身慾火焚身yùhuǒfénshēnto be very horny; lit. 'lust fire incinerate body'
泡妞泡妞pàoniū(try to) hook up with girls, on the prowl for women; lit ‘steep/soak girls’
把妹把妹bǎmèito hunt for girls
把马子把馬子bǎmǎzito hunt for girls
把凯子把凱子bǎkǎizito hunt for rich hunks (of a woman)
搭讪搭訕dāshan(trying to hook up by) starting a conversation (with a stranger)
乱讲亂講luànjiǎngto speak nonsense
胡烂胡爛húlàngive someone a load of nonsense; (as in 男生最利害的就是胡爛 "(said by a woman) Selling crap is what men do best"); lit ‘nonsense crap‘
放屁放屁fàngpìto speak nonsense; lit. 'to fart'
废话廢話fèihuàto speak nonsense, to trashtalk; lit. 'to waste words'
啰嗦囉嗦luōsuoto talk too much (as in 你很囉嗦。 "You talk too much.", 不要囉嗦了! "Stop rambling!")
哈啦哈啦hālato argue, to incessantly try to convince someone (as in 你不用哈啦這麼多, 就直接認錯吧! "Stop arguing and just admit you're wrong!", 哇,你很會哈啦喔! "Wow, you really know how to argue!")
闭嘴閉嘴bìzuǐshut up (interjection, often said by parents)
插嘴插嘴chāzuǐto interrupt someone talking (as in 你不要老是插嘴。 "Stop interrupting me."); lit. to insert a mouth
顶嘴頂嘴dǐngzuǐto talk back, to be a wiseguy; to answer defiantly (as in 如果你再頂嘴我就修理你! "I am going to take care of you if you talk back to me again.")
xx个屁 / xx个头xx個屁 / xx個頭xx-gèpì / xx-gètóuxx my ass (interjection, as in A: 這電影好浪漫喔。 B: 浪漫個屁阿! A: This movie is so romantic. B: Romantic my ass!)
小弟弟小弟弟xiǎodìdìpenis; lit. little brother
(小)鸡鸡(小)雞雞(xiǎo)jījīpenis; lit. chicken
小鸟小鳥xiǎoniǎopenis; lit. small bird
那话儿那話兒nàhuàrpenis; lit. "that talk"
dàntesticles, equiv. balls (as in 打架的時候要好好保護你的蛋(蛋)。 "When fighting you have protect your balls."); lit. egg
巨乳巨乳jùrǔhuge breast(s)
波霸波霸bōbà(woman with) huge breast(s)
高潮高潮gāocháoorgasm; lit. high tide, climax
做爱做愛zuò'àito have sex; lit., equiv. to make love
炒饭炒飯chǎofànto make love; lit. to fry rice
上床上床shàngchuángto go to bed; to make love
色狼色狼sèlánga man with strong sexual desires, a satyr, a sex addict; lit. appearance wolf
变态變態biàntàia sexual pervert; lit. metamorphosis, abnormal
(有)外遇(有)外遇(yǒu) wàiyùto have an affair
劈腿劈腿pītuǐto have an affair, to cheat on someone; lit. to split the legs
一夜情一夜情yīyèqínga one-night stand; lit. love for one night
分手分手fēnshǒuto break up in a relationship; to bid farewell; lit. divide hands
兵变兵變bīngbiàna mutiny; a relationship that breaks up during military service; lit. military change
zhuīto try to get a relationship with someone (as in 他還在追那個美妹嗎? "Is he still after that pretty girl?"); to pursue
狐狸精狐狸精húlíjīnga woman that steals another woman's man; lit. a fox spirit
母老虎母老虎mǔlǎohǔa dominant wife; lit. mother tiger
哇靠哇靠wākàoexclamation: WOW! (also the title of a song by 周杰倫 Jay Zhou, a famous Taiwanese singer)
gànto make love [vulgar]; used as a vulgar exclamation, equiv. "F**k!"; to do something, as in 幹活 "work"
干掉幹掉gàndiàoto get rid of; to kill someone; lit. to do away
干你娘幹你娘gàn nǐ niángto have sex with your mother, very vulgar (never used in public unless speaker wants to appear boorish)
干嘛幹嘛gànmáexclamation, "What is it now?" or "What do you want now?", indicating irritation; why (impolite) (as in '你幹嘛花這麼多錢買這麼爛的東西? "Why would you spend so much money buying something as crappy as that?")
(他)妈的(他)媽的(tā)madeexclamation, "Fuck!", "Shit!", "To hell with it!", "Damn it!"; used to increase vulgarity (as in 你也他媽的夠了吧! "You are really out of line!"); lit. his mom's
càoto fuck [vulgar] (from 肏 which has the same pronunciation); to exercise, drill (when pronounced cāo)
操你妈的屄操你媽的屄cāo nǐ mā de bīto fuck your mother's cunt [very vulgar] (never use in public, or for that matter, at home)
diǎomale reproductive organ; expression (mostly among guys) showing admiration or approval (as in 你很屌! "you're awesome!" or 超屌的! "far out!")
老外老外lǎowàiforeigner (neutral connotation)
洋妞洋妞yángniūforeign babe, foreign chick
阿都仔阿都仔ādōuzǐforeigner (Taiwan only)
同志同志tóngzhìgay or lesbian (normally "comrade" in a Communist context)
小姐小姐xiǎojiěgirl working in a hostess bar; exclamation, used alone, "Waitress!"; prostitute; young woman
槟榔西施檳榔西施bīnláng Xīshīa young, attractive girl, usually scantily clad, hired to sell betelnuts in street stalls (西施 is a classic beauty from Chinese history/myth); lit. betelnut beauty
杀价殺價shājiàto haggle, to bargain (foreigners will always be forced to pay more, though)
动手動手dòngshǒuto begin doing something (e.g. 他开始动手了吗?); to touch, to handle; to hit someone with hands
动手脚動手腳dòngshǒujiǎoto sabotage something; to cheat by modifying something; to tinker with; lit. to move hands and feet
灌醉灌醉guànzuìto fuddle, to confuse with alcohol; to get someone drunk
海量海量hǎiliàngto be capable of holding liquor (a highly valued asset in competitive drinking, a Chinese sport)
灌水灌水guànshuǐto sell inferior goods that have been tampered with (business), for example, adding water to milk; to lose a game on purpose (sports)
黑货黑貨hēihuògoods that have been tampered with, potentially hazardous to health; smuggled goods; lit. black stuff, majorly used in China but Taiwan
拍马屁拍馬屁páimǎpìto flatter; lit. to align horse farts
拍拍屁股走拍拍屁股走pāipāi pìgu zǒuto run away, to take off without caring for the consequences (while engaged in a relationship or project); lit. to line up the ass and go
条子條子tiáozia police officer; a strip (esp. of paper), a note
内鬼內鬼nèiguǐto steal; lit. within ghosts
饭桶飯桶fàntǒnga scallywag, a do-nothing; a guy who lives off his girlfriend; lit. a rice container
吃软饭吃軟飯chīruǎnfànto live off one's girlfriend; lit. to eat soft rice
毛毛的毛毛的máomáodecreepy, suspicious, causing goosebumps (as in 他那樣瞪我, 我都覺得毛毛的。 "The way he stared at me made me feel spooked.")
人情味人情味rénqíngwèiaffection, humane, used to describe a friendly, caring atmosphere (as in 中國很有人情味。); lit. the smell of human feelings
累死了累死了lèisǐleexhausted, worn out; lit. tired to the death
(老)油条(老)油條(lǎo)yóutiáoa deceitful, "slick" person (油條, fried wheat cruller, is a long stick of deep fried batter, a staple in China)
狗仔(队)狗仔(隊)gǒuzǎi(duì)paparazzi; lit. dog puppy team
小强小強xiǎoqiángcockroach; lit. little strong one
过头過頭guòtóuin excess (as in 睡过头, to oversleep)
赖床賴床làichuángto stay in bed (esp. too long), to not get up
昏昏欲睡昏昏欲睡hūnhūnyùshuìdrowsy, sleepy
拖拖拉拉拖拖拉拉tuōtuōlālāto be slow (esp. from reluctance); to procrastinate
湿达达(的)溼答答(的)shīdádá(de)soaking wet
AAAto steal (as in A錢, to steal money)
K書K書K-shūstudy (as in pounding something into one's head)
SPPSPPSPPhaving no class (Taiwan only, based on Hoklo dialect)
A片A片A-piàna porn movie
咱们咱們zánmenwe, us (sometimes just 咱).
  • Chinese Chat Codes - This page contains numeric codes used in chatting or pager messages similar to English acronyms like LOL (Laughing Out Loud) or BRB (Be Right Back).
  • Chinese Slang Dictionary - A dictionary of Chinese slang, colloquialisms, curses, vulgarities, dialects, and street talk that Chinese characters, pinyin romanization, and an English version.
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