< Canadian Criminal Sentencing < Cases
R. v. White2012 ONCJ 619 (CanLII)ONPC2 years less a dayoffender built dungeon in basement of building to kidnap friend of ex-wife--also sentenced for break and enter of building.
R. v. Singh2011 ONCJ 394ONPC6 monthsdomestic violence case--found guilty of s.88, 264.1, and forcible confinement of wife--offender assaulted wife wirh pipe, forced her into house to hide from authorities--no record, on house arrest for 34 months, remorseful--serious long standing injuries to victim--global sentence of 3.5 years
R. v. Oxford2009 CanLII 70905 (NL PC)NLPC12 monthsalso sentenced on poss'n of weapon (88) and breaches--offender confined wife in house at knife-point
R. v. Power2008 NLTD 6 (CanLII)NLSC5 monthsalso sentenced for assault, uttering threats, and breaches--offender assaulted his wife on numerous occasions--offender would not let accused out of vehicle--global sentence of 16 months
R. v. McBride2003 NSSC 204 (CanLII)NSSC16 month CSO (JR)offender also sentenced for assault causing and breach of probation--offender grabbed wife by throat and confined her in the vehicle--offender had 14 prior convictions for violence against women--joint recommendation
R. v. Gbeve2001 MBCA 73MBCA
R. v. Pupovic2000 CanLII 16876 (ONCA)ONCA2 yearsoffender bound and gagged his mother-in-law and put her in the basement--victim was found and rescued by neighbour--appeal from sentence of 5 years
R. v. Savchenko(2000), 191 Nfld. & P.E.I.R. 225 (NLSC)NLSC18 monthsalso sentenced for assault with a weapon, uttering threats, and unlawful entry--offender entered into victim's apartment and forced them into a car and drove with the victim at knife-point, victim escaped while car was stopped--offender had unrelated record
R. v. Rowe(1994), 126 Nfld. & P.E.I.R. 301 (NLSC)NLSC3 monthsoffender also sentenced for uttering threats, dangerous operation, and assault with a weapon--offender confined wife in a vehicle
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