< Canadian Criminal Procedure and Practice < Cases

Detention and Search: Generally

R. v. Ahmed-Kadir and McFadyen2011 BCPC 250 NYN
R. v. Brown2011 ONSC 6250 -NNvehicle pulled over after chase; alleged detained by police pursuit
R. v. Ryan2010 NJ No. 173NYYbreath test
R. v. G.C.2010 NSPC 10 NNNwhile executing search warrant, pat-down search of accused for weapons; finds drugs
R. v. Cunsolo2009 CanLII 60775 (ON S.C.)NYNpremature arrest of fraudster
R. v. N.O.2009 ABCA 75 NYYpolice observe hand-to-hand, search accused, find drugs
R. v. Harada2008 BCSC 1346NNNpull over car; patdown search of driver
R. v. Nesbeth[2008] O.J. No. 3086 (C.A.)-YY
R. v. Peters2007 ABCA 181 NNNpolice see accused matching description of person with gun; searched backpack twice, found gun
R. v. Chambers2007 ABQB 712 NNNafter seeing signs of drug transaction, accused is strip searched, and searched vehicle
R. v. Y.(S.)2006 ONCJ 403NNNperson standing near car registered to person with warrant; several minor reasons for pull-over
R. v. Ngo2005 ONCJ 217arbitrary detention
R. v. B.A.D.G.2005 BCPC 504NNNpolice get report of B&E suspects, see accused shortly after; patdown search reveals knife
R. v. Sepulveda2005 BCPC 236NNNpat-down search of woman known to police; accused spit on officer
R. v. K.W.2004 O.J. No.5327 (OCJ) Ypolice officers had no grounds to suspect that the accused was connected to any criminal activity; he “must be doing something” because of the very general surrounding circumstances.
R. v. Power2003 SKQB 334
R. v. Burke1997 CanLII 10867 (NL C.A.) NNNoverturn s.9 breach; officer had sufficient reason to pull over accused
  • R. v. Dauda, 2011 ONCJ 799 || s.8 and 9 violation, exlcuded under 24(2); seen avoiding police, threw something away; found <4 g cocaine

Vehicle Stops

R. v. Rose2012 ONSC 350?YYarrested accused based on finding marijuana on co-accused.
R. v. Osolky2009 ONCJ 445YNYpatdown search; evidence excluded
R. v. F. (C.J.)2008 SKPC 51NNNofficer responds to mischief complaint; sees youths; accused run away; searches him and finds weapon;
R. v. Ferdinand2004 O.J. No. 3209 (SCJ) YYofficer’s hunch about the actions of the accused, (based on his “Spidey sense,”) was insufficient basis
CaseCitations.8s.9s.24Evidence at issueSummary
R v Turpin2012 SKCA 50YYYdrugs
R. v. Forster2009 ABPC 278Y-Ydrugssearch of vehicle incident to arrest was improper. The officer cannot have reasonably expected to find evidence in vehicle from an offence 6 months prior.(para. 18-19). Excluded under s. 24(2), police were careless.
R. v. Anderson2011 ABPC 326 YNYcrack cocainedrugs found in vehicle
R. v. Ruddock2011 ABPC 105 YNYalso found breach of s.10(a) and 10(b)
R v Savage2011 SKCA 65NNNuse of sniffer dog;
R. v. Chubak2009 ABCA 8N--drugsOfficers respond to report of stabbing/beating—see vehicle with D inside with bear spray- D searched and find knife on him; police search car for more weapons; police find weapons, drugs, and ringing cell phone; trial judge says police can’t search for drugs; appeal court says they can; search for multiple reasons is valid as long as objectively justified (para. 18)
R. v. Arabi2007 ABQB 303 YYYsearch of person and vehicle after seeing possible drug transaction
R. v. Dykhuizen2007 ABQB 489Y-?mistaken ID of accused for a kidnapping suspect; found licence was expired; searched
R. v. Calder2006 ABCA 307 YYYgunsees possible drug transaction; searches backpack, finds gun
R. v. T.T.H.2006 ABPC 320Y-Nsearch vehicle based on unsafe driving and suspicious comments from driver
R. v. Batzer2005 CanLII 33026 (ON C.A.)YNYsearch of glovebox of car after detaining accused on rough description
R. v. Cox1999 CanLII 13119 (NB C.A.) YYYplainclothes officer searched car at roadblock due to smell of "bulk" tobacco
R. v. Keshane1995 CanLII 4054 (SK C.A.)Y-Nwarrantless search of a trunk of accused's car
R. v. D. (I.D.)1987 CanLII 206 (SK C.A.)Y-?search of vehicle on spotting it stopped in ditch and detect smell of alcohol

Smell of marijuana

R. v. Fierro, 2012 ABPC 1NNNdetailed review of law
R. v. Grunwald, 2010 BCCA 288NNNtraffic check set-up; stops accused's vehicle, smells marijuana, sees large bags in back of truck; no expectation of privacy
R. v. Harding, 2010 ABCA 180NNNpolice stop car, obscured plates, rental car, two large bags in the back, smell marijuana -- search incident to arrest finds drugs -- no breach of s.10(b)
R. v. Pearson, 2009 ABQB 382Y-Nbreach found but evidence admitted
R. v. Hood, 2008 BCPC 217Y?Y
R. v. Rosa, 2008 ABQB 723
R. v. Webster, 2008 BCCA 458NNN
R. v. Favorite, 2008 CanLII 13364NNN
R. v. Charles, 2007 CanLII 39760 (ON SC)Y?Y
R. v. Huynh, 2005 ABPC 238N--no s.8 breach found
R. v. Calderon, 2004 CanLII 7569YYY
R. v. Ladouceur, 2002 SKCA 73?YY
R. v. Sewell, 2003 SKCA 52N--
R. v. Power, 2003 SKQB 334NNN
R. v. Yan & Chan, 2002 BCPC 574Y-Ypull over on basis of broad search for cat burglar; smells marijuana from car ; breach of s. 8 found -- evidence excluded
R. v. Duong, 2002 BCCA 43Nno s.8 breach -- smell of marijuana coming out front door of house
R. v. Zagar, 1998 ABPC 59 Y-Y
R. v. Lawrence, [1994] O.J. No. 3272NNNsmell fresh burnt marijuana; allowed search down pants of accused
R. v. Iturriaga, 1993 CanLII 2517 (BC CA)Y?Y


Hewlett v. R., 2012 CanLII 46405 (NL SCTD)N-Nsearch warrant
R. v. Gorman and Gorman, 2012 ONSC 4605N-Nsearch warrant
R v Franko, 2012 ABQB 282N-Nconfidential source reports drug dealers activities
R v Perpeluk, 2012 SKQB 189Y-Ytwo confidential informers give tips
R. v. Quach, 2012 ABPC 57NNNevidence admitted, judge had no issue with motive of informer
R. v. Soto, 2011 ONCA 828NNNinformer reports dealing out of a house; police corroborate with observations of house
R. v. Bick, 2011 ONCJ 503 NNNsearch of house based on tip
R. v. Hillgardener, 2010 ABCA 80 NNNanonymous informer was reliable
R. v. Jir, 2010 BCCA 497 YNN
R. v. Safi, 2010 ABCA 151 NNN
R. v. Raphael, [2010] O.J. No. 5916, 2010 ONSC 5709 YYY
Bjornson, 2009 BCSC 1779 NNN
R. v. Tetreault, 2007 BCSC 1624N-N
R. v. Wing, 2007 BCSC 1959 Y?N
McCallum, 2006 SKQB 287 NNN
Goodine v. R., 2006 NBCA 109N?N
R. v. Layton, 2006 BCPC 655N??
R. v. Murphy, 2006 CanLII 12417 (ON CA) NNNconfidential informer gave sufficient details to form grounds of arrest
R. v. Bracchi, 2005 BCCA 461 NNN
R. v. Campbell, 2003 MBCA 76 (CanLII) Y-N
R. v. Myers, 2003 CanLII 36859 (ON SC) YNN
R. v. Ungaro, 2003 BCPC 137 Y?Y
R. v. Philpott [2002] O.J. No. 4872 search warrant
R. v. Jones, 2001 CanLII 28336 (ON SC) Y-Ywarrant to search apartment
R. v. Warford, 2001 NFCA 64 NNN
R. v. Lewis, 1998 CanLII 7116 (ON CA) Y-N
R. v. Smellie, 1994 CanLII 1612 (BC CA) NNNmultiple informers
R. v. Zammit, 1993 CanLII 3424 (ON CA) Y-Y
R. v. Lamy, 1993 CanLII 3368 (MB CA) Y-Y
R. v. Charlton, 1992 CanLII 367 (BC CA) NNN
R. v. Cheecham, (1989) 51 C.C.C. (3d) 498 Y?Y
R. v. Pastro 1988 CanLII 214 (SK C.A.) Y?Y

Search Incident to Arrest

R v Schira, 2011 SKPC 140 YNYbreach of s.10(b) as well; contents of blackberry messages excluded
R. v. Ward, 2010 BCCA 1 Y?Nsearch incident to arrest -- found crack
R. v. Tosczak, 2010 SKCA 10 N?Npat-down search incident to arrest for possession of marijuana
R. v. Goodwin, 2009 ABQB 710 Y??arrest invalid
R. v. Chubak, 2009 ABCA 8 ???
R. v. Lamour, 2007 CanLII 15242 (ON S.C.) Y?Narrested accused from impaired driving; did inventory search that included non-plain view items
R. v. Roberts, 2007 CanLII 39895 (ON S.C.) NNNsearch vehicle incident to arrest for firearm lawful
R. v. Kitaitchik, 2002 CanLII 45000 (ON C.A.) Y?Nwarrantless seizure of clothing worn by accused in murder investigation

Search of residence

R. v. Latham and Ryan, 2012 BCPC 78Y-Ywarrantless search of basement apartment
R v Helary, 2012 SKPC 15Y?Y
R v Laliberte, 2011 SKPC 190Y-Nsource info brings police to house; they are invited into vestibule; smell marijuana; enter into reminder of house after accused runs away. No consent to enter.
R. v. Got, 2011 BCPC 328Y??warrantless entry into residence found in violation of s.8
R. v. Stevens, 2011 ONCJ 794Y-Ypolice enter home without warrant and search house
R. v. Thompson, 2010 ONSC 2862Y-Nsearch of home found drugs
R. v. Watson, 2010 ONSC 448YYpat-down search finds drugs; followed by search of residence

Breath sample

See Canadian_Criminal_Law/Appendix/Case_Law#Impaired_Driving

Cell phones

R. v. Mann, 2012 BCSC 1247 (CanLII)
R. v. Munro & Munro, 2012 ONSC 43cell phone search indicent to arrest -- admitted
R. v. Groves, 2011 ONCJ 350
R. v. Dorey, 2011 NSPC 85
R. v. Hiscoe, 2011 NSPC 84
R. v. Manley, 2011 ONCA 128
R. v. Fearon, 2010 ONCJ 645
R. v. Zahrebelny, 2010 NSPC 91
R. v. Finnikin, 2009 CanLII 82187 (ON SC)

Location Tracker

R. v. Bacon, 2012 BCCA 323warrantless tracker violated s.8 but saved under 24(2)
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