< Canadian Criminal Procedure and Practice < Cases

Withdraw of Guilty Plea

R. v. Wiebe2012 BCCA 519 (CanLII)denied
R v Lewis2012 SKCA 81 (CanLII)acceptedaccused changed plea with lawyer on day of trial--never admitted offence--appeared confused
R. v. Williams2012 BCCA 314denied
R. v. Sutton2012 NLCA 35accepted
R. v. Downes2012 ONCJ 45denied
R. v. Greenall and Collins2011 BCPC 28withdraw denied
Lamontagne2011 QCCA 1486GP upheld
R. v. Chisholm2010 ONSC 3877deniedargued that was not given an option but to plead guilty
R v Messervey2010 NSCA 55
R v White2009 NSSC 313
R. v. Maniaol,2009 ABPC 390grantedwithdraw permitted due to misapprehension on admission of intent. Accused believed he was admitting willful blindness in intent when plea required actual intent.(see R. v. Maniaol, 2009 ABPC 390 at para 23)
R. v. McCollum2008 NSCA 36
R v DWS2008 BCCA 453upheld
R. v. K.D.H.,2007 ABPC 264withdraw granted
R v Leonard2007 SKCA 128updheld
R. v. Nevin,2006 NSCA 72
R. v. Dodge2005 NSPC 24guilty plea withdrawn due to false acceptance to help another (see para 22 to 25)
R. v. Moore2004 BCPC 560withdraw denied
R v Gold2004 BCCA 179
R v. McIntosh2004 NSCA 19
R v Barry2004 NSCA 145
R. v. Wetmore2003 ABQB 350denied
R. v. Hallam2003 BCPC 201withdraw denied
R. v. Moser2002 CanLII 49649 (ON SC)withdraw denied
R v Hector2000 CanLII 5725 (ON CA)upheld
R v Clermont1996 NSJ 170
R. v. Pottie1996 CanLII 5604
R v Murphy1995 CanLII 4329, [1995] N.S.J. No.41 at 10
R v. S.K.1995 CanLII 8926 (ON CA)granted
R v. Morris1994 CanLII 1669 (BC CA)granted
Porter1994 132 NSR 107
R v. R.T.1992 CanLII 2834 (ON CA), (1992) 10 OR (3d) 514 (Ont. C.A.)appeal dismissed
R. v. Gautreau1991 CanLII 4232 (NB CA)dismissedappeal of failed withdraw dismissed - plea with experienced counsel and confirmed in court
R. v. Rubenstein1987 CanLII 2834 (ON CA)deniedguilty plea made with counsel; joint statement of fact submitted. Joint recommendation was rejected;
R v Melanson1983 NSJ 453
R v Igoe1982 54 NSR 113
MacNeil1982 51 NSR 2d 541
R. v. Hansen1977 ManCA
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