< Computer programming languages

C++ programming language
These books deal with the C++ programming language: a general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as a middle-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features. You may also be interested on the material regarding this subject at Wikiversity. C++ originally began as an extension of the C programming language.

C++ Programming: this book covers the history and characteristics of the programming language as it may be taught in an introductory to advanced course or as a reference book, including information on what is a programming language or how to install a compiler to the most used external libraries, GUI frameworks, design patterns, RAII, Multi-Threading and other information needed for real world programming in C++.

Geared towards: anyone interested in the C++ programming language.

More C++ Idioms: the objective of this open book is to help elevate the knowledge of programmers who have moderate level of familiarity with C++ to a level where they feel much friendlier with C++. It provides an exhaustive catalog of modern reusable C++ idioms based on what expert programmers often use while programming/designing using C++. It is an effort to capture their vocabulary and concepts into a single work.

Geared towards: anyone with an intermediate level of knowledge in C++ and programming language paradigms.

Optimizing C++: platform-independent guidelines to develop efficient software using C++.

Geared towards: C++ programmers who need to improve the performance of the software they develop.

Understanding C++: book covering only the core C++ language and its standard library and focuses on writing clean portable code. This book assumes you already have a C++ compiler installed and have read how to compile programs with it.

Geared towards: anyone with a moderate knowledge of how to use a computer and an interest in understanding the C++ standard.

C++ Programming As A Set Of Problems: a book covering the C++ language from the practical side. This book assumes you already have a C++ compiler installed and have read how to compile programs with it.

Geared towards: anyone with a moderate knowledge of how to use a computer and an interest in programming with C++.

Intro To C++: Do you want to learn C++, and have ways to actually remember how? Check this book out then!

Geared towards: someone who wants to get into computer programming and start off with C++.

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