< Biblical Studies < Christianity < Major events and important movements in church history
Century                         Characteristics Development of Christianity The Roman Empire Arts, Sciences, etc. Literature
  1 - 100 AD   1. Caius Caesar makes peace with the Parthians. Tiberius
  Ovid Metamor-
      returns to Rome.     phoses,
    6. Varus, encamped on the Weser, governs lower Germany     Heroides, &c.
  8. Jesus reasons with the   like a Roman province.    
    doctors of letters.   9. Celsus advances Apion of Al-
        the science of   exandria
    14. Augustus dies at Nola; is succeeded by Tiberius as   medicine.   writes on
      Emperor.     grammar.
    19. The Jews are banished from Rome.    
  25. Pontius Pilate, Gov-      
    vernor of Judea.      
  26. John the Baptist be- 26. Thrace becomes a Roman province. 26. The Druids in  
    gins his ministry.     Germany.  
  27. Jesus baptisted by John.      
CHRISTIANITY 29. Twelve Apostles sent      
  founded amid   abroad.      
  skepticism 30. Crucifixion of the Sav- 30. Agrippina banished.    
  and   ior, Friday, April 3, at      
  persecutions.   3 p.m. (some say Apr. 7)      
  34. St. Paul converted to      
    Christianity. 37. Tiberius succeeded by Caligula, noted for his profligacy.    
  41. Herod's persecutions. 41. The amiable Claudius becomes Emperor.    
  45. First mission of Paul. 48. Census of the city, 6,900,000. 50. Columella, born  
  51. Paul preaches at     in Spain, writes  
    Athens. 54. Nero, Emperor; a profligate and tyrant.   on husbandry.  
  58. Paul imprisoned by     Seneca
    Felix.       De Clementia
  59. Disciples first called 59. Nero orders death of his mother Agrippina the Younger.    
    Christians at Antioch.      
  60. Paul appeals to Caesar.      
  61. Paul imprisoned in 61. Revolt of the Britons under Queen Boadicea.    

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