< Bengali

In Bengali language, a simple sentence is formed by an independent clause or principal clause.

Basic Structural Difference between Bengali and English Language

The basic sentence pattern

The basic sentence pattern in English is subject +verb + object (SVO), whereas in Bengali it is- subject+ object + verb (SOV). Example:
English: I (S) eat (V) rice (O).
Bengali: আমি (S) ভাত (O) খাই (V).

Auxiliary verb

Auxiliary verb is absent in Bengali language. Example:
English: I (Pronoun) am (Auxiliary verb) reading (Main verb) a (Article) book (Noun).
Bengali: আমি (Pronoun) একটি(Article) বই(Noun) পড়ছি(Main verb).


Preposition is a word placed before a noun orpronoun or a noun-equivalent to show its relation toany other word of the sentence. In Bengali language, bibhakti will be place after noun or pronoun or a noun-equivalent. Example:
English: The man sat on the chair.
Bengali: লোকটি চেয়ারটিতে বসল. Here 'তে (te)' is bibhakti

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