< Basic Writing

HR Reforms -

Family Cafe HR Reforms, June 2017. Made by: iiWizard_Trist.

Hello. So, Leehongjie the Founder has decided to do our very first, HR Reforms! This will show how much you know about FC and if you really deserve your rank as a HR at Family Cafe. This will be very hard as you guys are HR's so please spend some time on this and answer with long sentence answers. If you do not send this reform to either Me or MissChelsy, new_slates or Bl_0x, you will be demoted.

You will be tested on 4 topics, the same as MR reforms - Stage 1 - Punctuality Stage 2 - Activity Stage 3 - Knowledge Stage 4 - Sessions

Stage 1 Punctuality -

Q1.0 How good is your grammar on a scale of 1-10? 8. I sometimes mess up a lot of times, but I hope I use very good grammar here. Q1.1Have you got the staff card? Yes, I got it on June 6th 2017. Q1.2 Name 3 of your strengths and weaknesses? My strengths is serving customers, helping people, and helping people correct with their grammar. Weakness is not using grammar, and not being helpful (I don't help that much because many MRs/HRs answer the !help. Q1.3 If you were going to be inactive, what would you do? I would message an CEO+ so they could know that I am inactive and when I am back I will see I am fine and not demoted. Q1.4 What is meant by "suitable clothing" in Family Café? If your in the right rank you could get the shirt, for like example I am an MR and an HR Uniform is out, I would like to buy it, but leave it on when I get a Rank HR. Q1.5 Do you have the High Rank uniform? Yes, I do have the High Rank uniform. Q1.6 Improve this sentence: h0ii w3lc0m3 t0 fA3ilY C0FEE WH0TT dO y0UU w0Nt 0n thLs b00tiFU1 D8yy Hi! Welcome to Family Cafe, What do you want on this beautiful day?

Stage 2 Activity -

Q2.0 How active are you from a scale of 1-10? 9. Sometimes I play other games on ROBLOX. Q.2.1 What would you do if a MR was trolling? I will politely tell them to stop, but if they keep on trolling I would warn them, keep on trolling they will be on Warning 2, if they still keep on trolling they will be on Warning 3 and be kicked by an HR. Q2.2 If you found out that a HR AA'ed, what would you do? I will tell them to stop AAing but if they don't I will take a screenshot, send it on Discord and hopefully a CFO+ could come and take away their admin powers. Q2.3 What do you think we could improve the cafe on? Making a lot of updates, make workers work all the time, and serve the correct thing. Q2.4 If we were to shutdown the cafe, what would you do? I would wait until they say it is fine to join back so everyone could be safe. Q2.5 If there was an exploiter with better/higher commands than you, what would you do? I would take a screenshot, send it to Discord and hopefully and CFO+ could see it and I will have permission to ban the Exploiter. Q2.6 Name at least 3 things we do not allow at the cafe. Dating, Advertising, Free Ranking.

Stage 3 Knowledge -

Q3.0 What rank is allowed Mod at the cafe? Board of Directors and up, Q3.1 Who made the Family Cafe Training Center? User Accumalate and Edited by new_slates Q3.2 Who made V2 (Cafe)? I have forgotten, I was here since V2 but I forgot, so I think it was new_slates or Leehongjie Q3.3 Which question is Q8 in interviews? Q8 - Do you have any experience with café genre type of games? That is the Question in Question 8 Q3.4 Who made the Cafe logo? I think new_slates because sometimes he do stuff perfect and the logo is perfect! Q3.5 Name 6 items from the menu at the Cafe. LEE Carrot Smoothie, Cherry Pie, Chocolate Donut, Latte, Frappe, Banana Cupcake Q3.6 Who made our GFX? Probably new_slates, he does a lot of stuff for the cafe so I think new_slates again.

Stage 4 Sessions -

Q4.0 How many sessions do we have each day? Each Day we have 6 sessions. 3 interview sessions and 3 training sessions. Q4.1 What would you do to improve sessions at Family Café I would try to make Sessions earlier and whoever is not has the correct time zone I will tell them when they begin at their time zone. I want to make Sessions earlier because people in different time zones need to sleep like us! Q4.2 How do you record sessions at Family Cafe? You need to have trello and have to be Board of Directors and up, you go to the register board and you will find cards. And it will say dates. Q4.3 What are the times for Training sessions?

Session 1: 10 AM EST | 3 PM BST Session 2: 6 PM EST | 11 PM BST Session 3: 9 PM EST | 2 AM BST Q4.4 If you were to host an Interview, how would you set it out on shout?

Q4.5 How many interviews/trainings have you hosted? (Tell the truth. We can easily check trello) 39 times I have hosted. But I think I Co Hosted like 40 times because I was an MR a lot so yea, Q4.6 What would you do to get people to host sessions more often? [Interviews] Would you like an job here? Go to the Interview Center! The host will be (Username) and the Co Host (Username) Come down to the Interview Center! It would be nice for you to come down get a job and help us!

Introduction to Drafting

Drafting is writing and drafting is a vital part of successful writing. The reason you will need to use drafting is that it can lay the fundamental framework of your final paper. If you lay the framework well, you'll have a good chance of writing a beautiful paper, however, if you do a poor job on the framework, success could be much more difficult to attain. The following section will take you through the drafting process(es) with instructions and handy tips.

Nobody gets it right the first time

Whether a writer is the next Ernest Hemingway or a student at any level, drafting must be done as a part of successful writing. If a professional writer says that he/she never writes more than one draft you can pretty much bet they are joking or not telling the truth. Even when writers work to deadline and write at a single sitting, they return to parts of it again and again in order to get it just right. Also, a deadline doesn't always mean done; writers can and do return to an already published piece and revise to make it better.

It does not matter whether the work is a research paper or a poem, all forms of writing need to be drafted. Since a professional writer almost never gets a piece of writing perfect in the first draft, don't feel bad if you need several drafts too. So, if you find yourself very unhappy about your first try at a paper think of it as just the start of something better, i.e. the rough draft. Another advantage to multiple drafts is that the more drafting you do the more chances you have of catching mistakes and improving the paper. This is why it is so important to make time for multiple drafts during the writing process. The time spent drafting will bring you closer to than ever to a more glorious version of your final draft.

The importance of just getting it on the page

Not much can be done for a piece of writing until it is on paper or computer screen. You may worry that the paper will not be very good or even think that it will be awful, yet you won't really know until you've actually written it. Not only will you and your reader(s) not be able to see what you have written, but there is no chance of working to fix what has not yet been written. For more ideas of how to actually get your words down look at the pre-writing section below.



Brainstorming is one of the most effective pre-writing techniques you can use. It’s virtually painless and can be pretty fun, if you let it! Brainstorming is easy because there are NO RULES. Let your mind wander and think about things that you would like to explore more. Try to create a mental web of things you can connect to one another. Let the lightning of ideas strike you as they may. Ask yourself a few starter questions such as:

What interests me?

If I choose this subject can I meet the word/page requirements?

Are there other researchers out there thinking like me?

What topics are related to my topic of interest?

What about the topic can I make into a thesis?

Where is there an arguable side of this topic?

Can I see and argue both sides?

What other topics interest me?

Is there anything in the media that I can make into a paper?

How might this affect my daily life?

What kind of examples can illustrate my point?

Is this a fresh/creative topic? Has it become too common?

These questions and others you might create will help you get started on your writing process. Before you even put pen to paper or fingers to keys (If you do have a good idea, WRITE IT DOWN, that way you don’t forget it!). Once you have a topic in mind then you’re ready to move on to the harder stuff.

Free writing

Free writing can also be pretty fun if you let it. Once you have the main topic of your argument, then it is time to begin getting your ideas on paper. The purpose of free writing is to do just that. Again, with free writing, there are no set rules as to how to proceed. Many teachers will use this technique as a way to jumpstart your creativity and get you thinking. In doing free writing before your paper you will need to write for several (8-10) minutes about your topic. Even if you jump off topic continue writing because you might come back around to the topic or discover a new way in which you might consider going with your topic.

You might want to begin by writing down all the ideas you have about your topic. Write down things you think will eventually serve as your main points. Think about how you would argue with someone who disagreed with your point of view. What would you tell them? Could you back it up with actual evidence? Note: at this point you won’t necessarily need actual evidence, but you will want to have a good idea of the kinds of things out there that you can use to back up your claim.

This is the point where your argument starts to pull together and you will probably find that you have more ideas and points than will ever fit into your argument, but then you can choose the best of the points and make your argument even stronger.


Outlines and rough outlines are where you begin to form the skeleton of your paper. They will be the pattern from which you write your argument. The outline serves as a way to organize you thoughts into a comprehensive process that flows smoothly from one point to another.

The formatting of an outline also helps you to create organization within your paper. Here is an example outline to help you learn the format and organization it will give your argument. I. This is your main topic. It can also be your title. What are you going to talk about?

A. This is your introductory paragraph. Give your intro topic sentence.

1. State your thesis. You should have a clear and developed thesis by now.

B. This is the body of your argument.

1. Main point #1

a. Supporting evidence for main point #1

b. More supporting evidence for point #1

c. Acknowledge and dismiss the other side of the argument

2. Main point #2

a. Supporting evidence for point #2

b. More supporting evidence for point #2

c. Acknowledge and dismiss other side of the argument

C. This is the conclusion of your argument

a. Restate your thesis

b. Summarize your argument

Note: you may have several more main points than this outline has, but they all follow the same basic structure.

Types of Drafts

Rough draft

A rough draft is a very important step in the writing process. Writing more than one draft gives you the opportunity to catch problems and see where the paper may not be working. So, it is a very good idea to leave yourself with enough time to write at least two or three drafts of your paper. You may want to do an outline to plan your paper beforehand, but doing that is not always necessary. After you get your thoughts, any possible research and or sources needed in order you can begin actually writing. While you write your rough draft you may not feel completely satisfied about the paper, but that's okay because that is what a rough draft is for. You want to give yourself a chance to work to get to the best arrangement of ideas and find different ways of expressing them.

Form: intro, body, conclusion and paragraph

Start it, say it, finish it--that's an academic writing draft in its simplest form.

Start it. The introduction starts it all. That's where you get the reader involved in what you are writing about and along the way, also get them interested in what you have to say. At the end of the introduction section, many forms of academic writing have a thesis--the main idea or claim.

Say it. Say what you have to say, and don't forget to set up a sequence of ideas that will eventually lead to the conclusion. Each idea or "point" needs room to breathe, so give it its own paragraph, at the very least. Supporting details and examples will also help.

Finish it. The conclusion wraps it all up in a way that doesn't just repeat the thesis--it makes it both bigger and more specific. The terminology for this kind of writing is "synthesis." In synthesis, the whole is greater than its parts, and that is exactly what a good conclusion does.

Needless to say, each part involves using paragraphs, but it's helpful at the drafting stage to think more about "sections." An introduction can be more than one paragraph. A body needs to be more than one paragraph. A conclusion can be one paragraph, but can be more. If your natural tendency when drafting is to move full-steam ahead in one long paragraph with the intention of breaking it up later, it's worth the effort to slow down a bit and make those paragraph breaks as you write. Your draft will be better organized in the long run, a good thing for you and your future reader.

Process: getting started, getting past writing blocks

All writers can suffer from those horrible writing blocks, but there are ways around them. If you are having a hard time with the beginning, work on other sections of the paper and come back to the beginning later. You do not have to write strictly from beginning to conclusion. If you have an idea for a certain section write it first. Get that idea out of your head and onto the paper because in doing so, you just might think of a brilliant way to begin your paper. Also, depending on how much time you have to work you may want to take an hour or a day to get away from your paper. Sometimes a little time away from a project can help clear your head and give your ideas more definitions as well as clarity.

Process between drafts: Intermediate drafts, editing, MLA, etc.

Here the process between drafts is kind of overlapping with two of the other sections, they are, Revising and Editing. Actually, the intermediate drafts are a process of revising your former drafts again and again. You need to look at what you think is not proper or good enough and think of ways that better explain your points to your readers. For more details, you may want to refer to the other two sections about how you could make better draft amendments step by step.

Final draft

Yes! You are coming to the final draft now! However, this is not the end of your final paper yet! The overall structure of the writing construction has already been done, so we could say that you've achieved a half-success! Still, you need to go beyond drafting to the further sections which will be sure to guide you to completion of your paper! Keep up the hard work and you will be glad you went through so many drafts, all that hard work just might eventually pay off in a big way!

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