< Apache

Configuring Apache WebServer

GUI Tools:

There are some GUI tools to configure Apache web server but they mostly do the basic or intermediate levels of configurations. For advanced configuration, modifying the configuration file. is the way to go. Some GUI tools are: Comanche, TkApache, LinuxConf, WebMin, ApacheConf, user_manage. Among them, Webmin is browser based and may be a better choice than the others.

Basic Apache Configuration Information is as below:

Apache has three configuration files:


httpd.conf is the main file, you can forget about the others.

A basic configuration file may look like the following:

 ServerName www.justetc.net #host name .. serving website URL
 listen # listen to the network interface and port 80
 listen # listen to the network interface and port 400
 User nobody #connect to the apache server as the user nobody #default
 Group nobody
 ServerAdmin admin@justetc.net #email of the administrator
 ServerRoot /usr/locale/apache #apache's main working folder, apache keeps essential files here
 ErrorLog logs/error_log #to keep track of errors
 TransferLog logs/access_log #check the access, may make website slower
 DocumentRoot /home/www/justetc

You can create your own user and set that to access webpages

groupadd -g httpd
useradd -u 999 -g httpd -s /bin/false -c 'Web Server'

then use

User httpd
Group httpd
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